Meeting John Shields, author and restaurant owner! I had the pleasure of visiting Gertrude’s at the Baltimore Museum of Art this past February.

Gertrude’s has been a wonderful fixture of the BMA and Charles Village since 1998 and helped start the Farm to Table experience so many dinners seek today. The brunch we had was fabulous, and even though it isn’t on the water, the owner is the author of many great Chesapeake books.

I checked Amazon, and a few other outlets, and his books are available. I am pictured here with Chesapeake Bay Cooking and the new Chesapeake Kitchen.

On a personal note: Thank you so much for signing my books, Captain John Shields!!!

15 Pints of Guinness!

Can you believe it? A boater couple dock their boat for the evening in Delaware City.

The couple plan to go into the town for dinner and a beverage. They walk into an Irish Bar.

Upon entering they hear that a gravely old man is giving away $500 dollars to anyone who can drink 15 pints of Guinness in 5 minutes!!!

If they fail, they owe $250, and nobody is biting on the bet!

The two boaters ask if each can do it, can they both win? The man says okay and they ask if they can come back in fifteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes later the two boaters walk back in and ask if they can still try to win, and the gravely man said of course, of course!!!

The boaters ponied up their money, were given fifteen pints, and started drinking!

Four minutes later they had both drank all 30 pints with time to spare.

Amazed the gravely man agreed to give them each $500 but first they had to answer a question.

Where did you two go? They laughed and explained they walked down the street to another bar. There they each drank 15 pints each just to make sure they could do it!!!

This summer try to show caution:

If in doubt, don’t go out

If not sure, stay on shore

If it’s stormin’, don’t be normin’

Or be like me…

Out in a hurricane with Forest Gump and Lieutenant Dan!

And here we are! At the cusp of another boating season and I hope you’re ready to go! What a crazy mild winter this one was.

We all saved on our electric bills this winter. Now, funny enough, every time it got cold, I found myself somewhere down in Florida.

Sometimes I am just being lucky like that!!! It is almost that time to get those boats unwrapped, painted up, waxed down, and ready to SPLASH!


No matter what they tell you, how much fun they promise, or however much they try to shame you, for us the story will always be the same. We are spending our weekend at the marina and rafted up with our like-minded weekend-loving boating community. You must explain that you appreciate them having a barn raising somewhere near Gettysburg. That a Gender Reveal party guaranteed to burn down a few acres of forest in West Virginia sounds fabulous! That a sixtieth wedding anniversary for your parents at a mountain vineyard would be awesome!!! Explain that it is Springtime on the Chesapeake Bay and you have already planned all winter to be on your boat for that weekend, you have also planned all the following weekends clear through November. Also please explain that if the NBHs would please plan their events on the water you might just show up on Thursday and not leave until Sunday afternoon.


So, the other day I walked out to the mailbox. I open it up and find three pieces of mail marked TAX DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED. And it dawned on me… These aren’t tax documents, these are Tax Foc Uments and I just don’t like getting Tax Foc Umented! True story and I made up that new word.

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